Loved the examples you've picked up. Reminds me of the term 'jumping the shark' which refers to that point in a show or a series of works where the quality starts going south. From your examples, you see that Modern Family, The Simpsons, South Park.

Peak-end rule is also interesting because of duration neglect. Because we're sort of averaging out the peak and the end points, we tend to ignore much of the rest. A terrible vacation that ended with a glorious day ziplining tends to be recorded in memory as a better trip than what it actually was in real-time, nudging us to do it again.

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Thank you for the read!

And yes! The Fonz. I should have included that in the essay.

Great point on vacay. Unintentionally, my wife and I try to book highlights at the end.

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Jordan showed us both scenarios the retiring on top and the staying on too long.

I think the one people prefer is the first

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You read my mind! I had a part in there about ‘98 but chopped it. Because that second 3-peat was clearly the perfect story arc for an athlete!

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